Sunday, May 27, 2018

Patanjali's Yoga Philosophy

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is the oldest text. Patanjali is accepted as the discoverer of Yoga philosophy; so, it is also called Patanjali Yoga Darshan. Yoga philosophy can remove physical infirmity. Yoga practice infuses energy, freshness and fitness. It begets an individual spiritual power. It is on its basis that an individual delays his old age, and remains stable in his adulthood or youth. The chief objective of Patanjali is not to become the proponent of a spiritual principle, but is to display the practical importance of Yoga. Patanjali has divided his Yoga Sutra into four parts :
Samadhi pada, Sadhana pada, Vibhuti pada and Kaivalya pada.
1.      Samadhi Pada : Under it, Yoga is defined on the basis of its form, objectives and measures of control over the mind.
2.      Sadhana Pada : Sadhana or concentration is attained as a result of concentration of the mind. There are two tools to achieve it :
(a)    Internal tools, and
(b)   External tools.
Under internal tools, prominence is given to Dhyana or meditation, Samadhi or concentration and Dharana or retention, while under external tools are included Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama and Prityahara.
3.      Vibhuti Pada : Under it, internal tools and realization of Yoga practice have been discussed.
4.      Kaivalya Pada : Under it has been discussed the realization of Moksha and form of Moksha.
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, the form and types of Yoga philosophy have been discussed in a minute form. Emphasis has been laid on attainment of spiritual knowledge. This can be attained by different stages of Jnana Yoga. This knowledge can be attained when physical and mental attitudes are eradicated.

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