Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hinduism : Basic Principles

Following are the main principles or doctrines of Hinduism or Indian philosophy :
1.      Principle of Karma or Action : According to this principle, an individual begets in fruit according to what he does.  This point has been made out in all philosophies. A man has to undergo the outcome of his actions; that is, the fruit is dependent on the action.
2.      Principle of Dharma or Faith : According to this principle, devotion, sentiment towards God and abidance by one's culture is the faith. It has nine characteristics : forgiveness, non-thievery, control over senses, attainment of learning, purity, truthfulness, attention, intellect and non-anger.
3.      Principle of Punarjanma or Rebirth : According to this theory, the soul is eternal, immortal and endless, it never dies, it only renounces one body to enter another. This is seen as rebirth.
4.      Principle of Moksha or Emancipation : According to Indian philosophy, Dharma or duty, Kama or sex, Artha or livelihood and Moksha or emancipation are four doables, and Moksha is the final and ultimate goal of life. Yoga is the only means of attaining Moksha.
5.   Vedas are the Sources of All Knowledge : The chief source of Indian knowledge is Vedas. The Vedas were created at the beginning of the universe. For attainment of Moksha, it is essential to study the Vedas as well as undertake Yoga.

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