Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Types of Environmental Pollution

Today, pollution has become a very massive problem. It is growing with every passing day. Pollution can be classified into four main types : air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution. Let us know about them briefly.

Air Pollution
The atmosphere is made up of different types of gases, as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and others. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Trees use carbon dioxide and release oxygen. In this way, the balance of gases is maintained in the atmosphere. This also means that trees are very important for us, without them, the balance of the atmosphere cannot be maintained.
We need wood for different domestic and industrial purposes, so we cut down trees. The problem is that we have been greedy, so we have cut down trees in a larger number than we need. We also cut down trees to clear land to build houses, factories, roads and bridges. This simply means that carbon dioxide cannot be changed into oxygen at a rate that environmental balance can be maintained. This balance is further disturbed when we burn fuels in machines and vehicles which also release harmful gases.
Thus, we can see that human activities are responsible for air pollution. Air pollution causes a number of diseases to our lungs and eyes.
Water Pollution
Water is an important ingredient of the environment. Life cannot be possible without it. We need it for different purposes in our homes, fields and industries. When we use water, we pollute it too. When we take a bath, we mix soap with water, and thus pollute it. A farmer uses water for irrigation, but he mixes chemical fertilizers and pesticides in it, thus water is polluted. In the same way, industries pollute water during different applications.
The nature has a water cycle, by which it cleans water. However, we are polluting water more than the nature can recycle. Our rivers and other water bodies have become polluted. If this were not enough, we dispose our waste into the water bodies. We can find domestic and industrial waste flowing into our rivers and other water bodies. This polluted water is the chief cause behind a number of diseases, such as jaundice, typhoid, gastroenteritis etc. These diseases kill a large number of lives every year.
Noise Pollution
Many of our machines and activities cause noise, such as sound systems, televisions, vehicles, trains, aeroplanes, machines and industries etc. A high level of noise is called noise pollution. It disturbs our peace of mind and causes different types of diseases, such as stress, irritation, loss of hearing and loss of digestion etc. It is a major cause of illness in cities and industrial towns.
Soil Pollution
Soil is an important natural resource. We need it to plant our trees and produce crops. We have polluted soil with our activities. It occurs in many ways. Farmers mix chemical fertilizers and pesticides in water to irrigate the fields. This pollutes water as well as soil. In cities, you can see the hills of garbage where waste is dumped. This pollutes soil and adversely affects the environment. Our activities produce so much of garbage that dealing with it has become a major challenge.

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