Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Environmental Pollution

The natural world in which people, animals and plants live is called environment. Our existence fully depends on it. We are alive only because of it. Our health and quality of life depend on it. So, it is important that we care for the environment. We have to do it in our own interest.

The environment provides us such conditions that life can exist on our earth. There is available on the earth air and water in just right quantities, and these are optimally supported by sunlight. Thus, our environment is the unique gift of nature to us.
It is an irony that despite being aware of the significance of environment for us, we continue to harm it. We do it in many ways :
·         We cut down trees to meet many of our needs of land and wood.
·         We burn and finish natural resources like coal, mineral oil and other things.
·         We destroy wildlife and natural environment.
·         We use chemicals and pesticides in farming, which not only cause ill-health but also harm the water and soil.
As a matter of fact, we need natural resources to meet our needs. The problem starts when we start to do it greedily. This is what we people have exactly been doing. This greed has led to an environmental crisis, which can be seen in two forms :
·         Many of our natural resources are limited in quantity. When we use a natural resource like coal or mineral oil, it is gone forever. So, there is need to conserve them.
·         Secondly, human activities cause a lot of pollution; for example, coal emits smoke and dust leading to large scale pollution.

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