Saturday, December 1, 2018

Warming up and Cooling down

To undertake any project, we have to get ready for it, for which we make some preparation. Much in the same manner, when we have to undertake a strenuous physical activity, like participation in sports, we have to get ready for it. Its preparation is in the form of warming up. Thus, warming up is a preparation for physical exertion or a performance by exercising or practising gently beforehand. Warming up is performed before a performance or practice. Athletes, singers, actors and others warm up before stressing their muscles. It prepares the muscles for vigorous actions. If you undertake an exerting exercise without warming up, there are chances of some injury like sprains or muscle pains.
How to Warm up
As games involve strenuous physical activity, it is important that the muscles should be ready to undertake exertion. Different people do it in different ways, but the following is the most popular one :
·         Start with running on the spot. Begin with jogging on the same spot, and gradually raise your knees up. Also move hands forward and backward. A minute later, change the running into jumping on both legs on the same spot. And then, stop, close your eyes and bring your breath under control.
·         Now, start rotations. Rotate your eyes, neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, belly, knees, ankles and toes. Rotate them all clockwise and anti-clockwise.
·         After this, start stretches. Raise your right hand, pull up and bend the body to the left side. Then repeat this with the left hand. Raise both hands above the head and pull up. Stretch your legs forward one by one. Stretch your legs sideways one by one.
·         Different coaches and trainers have their own regimes as they determine their processes depending on the physical activity that has to be undertaken.
How to Cool down
Warm up is done before the start of a strenuous physical activity. During the main activity, the body becomes very heated, and if you stop suddenly, it can result in the body cooling down suddenly, resulting into catching a cold or other ailment. To cool down gradually, a cool down is undertaken; that is, it is aimed at bringing the body to the normal temperature.
Cooling down, also known as limbering down, is an easy exercise done after a more intense activity to bring the body to a resting or near-resting state. It can include a light jog or walk. Light stretches and rotations of the body can also be undertaken.
·         A player should begin cooling down by decreasing the intensity of the exercise; for example, if you are running swiftly, reduce the speed and then change it into a walk before finally stopping.
·         Stretches are found to be useful.
·         In games like football and hockey, half-time cooling down is also done. This helps in better muscle movement.
Cooling down has several benefits :
·         If you stop an intense activity suddenly, it may result in dizziness. Cooling down prevents this condition.
·         Cooling down does not allow the muscles to sore up.
·         Studies have shown that the athletes who cool down are less likely to get injured.
·         Cooling down helps to rehydrate the body.

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