Thursday, June 7, 2018

Use of 'It'

The Pronoun 'it' is widely used. It is used in various ways
1.      To replace a Noun :
A parrot was sitting on the branch. It was pecking at a mango.
This dog seems hungry. Give it something to eat.
It is used for animals and small babies :
A lion was sleeping under a tree. It was snoring.
The little toddler tried to walk but it fell down.
But, it should not be used for pet animals and animal characters in a story if they are shown speaking :
The fox told the crow that he sang so sweetly.
He is my pet dog, Oscar.
2.      To introduce a sentence :
It is an apple.
It is not sure if he will come.
3.      To indicate time, distance :
It is five o'clock by my watch.
It was Sunday.
It is far if you go on foot.
It is three miles to the mall.
4.      To function as an indefinite Pronoun :
It may rain any time.
It was so hot.
5.      To emphasise the Noun or Pronoun that follows :
It was he who had taken my purse.
It is I who has knocked at your door.
It is your father on phone.
Hello, Shankul, it is me this side.
6.      To introduce a phrase :
It has been decided to hold a meeting on Saturday.
It is impossible to get there in time.
7.      To introduce a 'that' clause :
It is believed that most political leaders are corrupt.
It is said that swimming is the best exercise.

Add one more sentence using 'it' to each sentence below, as shown :
1. The sky is overcast. It may rain any time.
2. It is nine o'clock. ……………………………………
3. The manager has a programme to visit this office. ……………………………………
4. Rohan is very quarrelsome. ……………………………………
5. What is time by your watch? ……………………………………
6. What day was it? ……………………………………
7. What has been decided? ……………………………………
8. What is said about swimming? ……………………………………

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