Monday, June 18, 2018

Omission of Articles

Articles are not used in the following cases :
1.    Before most Proper Nouns : Anil, Asha, Orchha, Tamil Nadu, Mount Everest, India, Brazil.
Exception : If there are more than one people of the same name, Article can be used for them :
There are two Bhanus here. Which Bhanu do you want to see? I want to see the Bhanu whose father is Ashok.
Are you talking about the Hyderabad located in India?
2. Before 'man' when used in general sense :
Man is behind the extinction of many species.
Man has made tremendous progress.
3. Before names of days, months; for example : Sunday, Monday, January, February.
4. Before names of languages; for example : Hindi, French, Tamil, English.
5. Before Abstract and Material Nouns; for example :
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Water is essential for life.
Exception : When we talk of specific Abstract or Material Nouns, Articles can be used for them :
The beauty of Tarika is sparkling.
The water of this pond has become dirty.
6. Articles are not used before the name of a thing or place when used for its primary purpose; for example : bed for sleeping, hospital for treatment, prison for lodging criminals etc. When these things or places are not used for their primary purpose, Articles will be used; for example :
I am going to school. (to study or teach)
I am going to the school to meet the principal. (not to study or teach)
The criminal was sent to jail. (for punishment)
The jail is located in the countryside. (general description)
7. Articles are not used in several proverbial phrases; for example :
at home                 in hand                  at sunrise               at sunset
by bus                             by day                             by land                  by night
by train                  catch fire               give ear                 in debt
in demand              in hand                  in town                  leave home     
on demand             on foot                  send word              set sail
strike root              take breath             lose heart               take offence

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