Sunday, May 27, 2018

Yoga : Myths and Misconceptions

Many people have developed several misconceptions or false assumptions about Yoga, due to which they are scared to adopt Yoga in their life, and keep themselves aloof from it. Some of the main misconceptions are as follows :
1.      Some people think that Yoga is suitable and meant only for saints, hermits and sages; and it benefits them alone; and it is not meant for ordinary people. This is totally false, as Yoga benefits all people eqully.
2.      Yoga is not meant only for men and boys; rather girls and women too can benefit from it equally well. They can practise it as per their convenience and capacity.
3.      Yoga does not require any specific or special clothing, eating habits or place; it can be undertaken at any place conveniently. The myth that it requires special clothing, diet or place is only false.
4.      Some people think that Yoga can be performed only up to a certain age, but this is not the case at all. Yoga can be performed and started by any person up to any age.
5.      It is thought that Yoga is done by conservative, illiterate and backward people, and it has nothing to do with civilized and cultured people; but there is no greater lie than this; because Yoga can be practiced by king and beggar alike and derive due benefit from it equally. It helps to gain control over the body and mind.
6.      Some people think that the processes related to Sadhana are very tough and they assume that they would not be able to perform them; but it not the case at all. These activities may appear to be tough, but in fact, so is not the case. They may appear in the beginning, but with practice, nothing seems easier than these activities.
7.      It is said that techniques are needed for performing Yoga, Sadhana and other practices, which require training, else they can cause harm. However, this is something which is propagated only to keep people aloof from it. If some Asana or other process seems to cause any harm, it can be stopped immediately, and then the advice of an experienced teacher can be sought.
8.      Ordinarily, it has been seen that by Yoga, people mean all the yogic postures; but there are eight components of Ashtanga Yoga; and postures are only one part among them. A person can gain control over his mind through Yoga.
By itself, Yoga remains the path treading on which an individual can attain the zenith of spirituality. Mahrishi Patanjali, the proponent of Yoga philosophy, has talked about eight components of Yoga (Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Prityahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi) that they raise a child above the physical domain in order to prepare him to tread the path of development of mental and spiritual development. When the body is sound, the mind and brain too become sound. Yoga is very important from the educational viewpoint. Of the different subjects that we study for realization of educational aims, Yoga education is the one which begets the most benefits; and it is quite easy and spontaneous. Rising above the worldly level and adopting social, moral and spiritual qualities can be easily cultivated and adopted by Yoga, and such capacity is not possessed by any other subject. Therefore, looking at the benefits of Yoga education, it should be made compulsory in all schools and colleges.

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