Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Secret Bond : A Story

Manik played well today and made the highest score in the game, he had fielded well too taking two spectacular catches. After all the hard work he had put in, he felt hungry as he walked back home. He remembered he had a tenner in his pocket, so he decided to buy a bar of chocolate from the neighbourhood market. First he wanted to eat it, and then decided that he would eat it only after he washes his hands, so he headed home with quick steps.
As he climbed up the staircase to his apartment on the first floor, he found a small crowd standing in the lobby. He found his mother standing just outside the closed door with sweat on her forehead. He thought there was some thing wrong, so he dashed and was in no time before her. He grew cautious and asked, "What happened, Mummy?" He thought that he had got late, so she was worried about him.
"Thank God, you are here," said his mother.
"What is there to feel nervous about? I was in the ground playing cricket," Manik tried to pacify his mother. He noticed a letter in her hand.
"Is there something in this letter that worries you?" said Manik trying to take the letter.
"I am not worried about you or about this letter, son," she said. "Actually, the postman came and as I came out to take this letter from him, the door was accidentally closed and locked. This is the problem with automatic locks. I don’t have the key to open it."
"But you keep a key tied to your saree all the time, where is that?"
"I left it in the bathroom when I was bathing."
"Where is Grandpa?"
"He is right in the house, and he must be sleeping now. You know he is hard of hearing. I have pressed the bell and knocked at the door several times, but to no avail. I am trying to draw his attention for the last half an hour," his mother said wiping sweat from her forehead with her saree.
"Mummy, it must be half past five, Grandpa must be awake by now," said Manik.
"I can't say for sure, he is not very well today."
Manik looked around the building what he could do, and then he noticed the old neem tree near the kitchen window.
"I can climb up the tree to look into the house; I am sure Grandpa will see me," said Manik.
"No, you can fall down," his mother said anxiously.
"Don’t worry, Mummy," assured Manik. "I have climbed up this tree several times."
As Manik came down the stairs and started climbing up the tree, there were many people to draw his attention.
"Be careful."
"Hold that thin branch."
"That twig is weak, don’t hold that."
"Keep your foot on that hole."
Manik laughed in his heart about all these instructions. In no time, he was sitting at the branch from which he could see across the kitchen window.
"Can you see Grandpa?" his mother called from below.
"No, maybe he is asleep in his room," said Manik. "Let me wait here."
Manik was already feeling hungry, so he slipped his two fingers into his pocket and took out the bar he had bought while coming back. He removed the wrapper and ensured that he did not touch the chocolate inside, and as he took the first bite, his eyes saw something that amazed him. He could see Grandpa entering the kitchen. He hurriedly swallowed the bite and was about to call him, when he saw that Grandpa opened the refrigerator and took a bowl full of sweet pudding from the casserole. And now he was standing right there, quickly eating one spoon after another.
Manik held himself. He observed that Grandpa would eat from the bowl and also keep an eye on the entrance. He was taking sweet stealthily. The doctor had forbidden Grandpa to eat any sweets as he was suffering from diabetes, so his mother kept a strict eye on him; but today, he had found an opportunity to gulp down as much sweet as he could. Mice enjoy when the cat is away.
At first, Manik wanted to call, but then he remembered the favour that Grandpa had done to him just the previous day. He could not help suppress his smile, but covered his mouth because all his movements were being observed from below. He wanted to give Grandpa an opportunity to enjoy himself, and thus repay the debt.
Yesterday, Manik had got his monthly progress report in which he had scored very low marks in science. He knew that both Father and Mother would shout at him, so he told this fact to Grandpa first. He had said, "Grandpa, I am scared that I may be thrashed." At this, Grandpa had said, "Don’t worry, I'll ensure that nothing happens." In the evening, he had said to Father, "Manik is a good student, but he is a little weak in science, so there is nothing to be surprised when he scores low marks in science. I have decided to teach him science now. I am sure he will score nice marks in the final exams." This was an indication for Manik to show his progress card. Grandpa's warning had ensured that he would not be rebuked or thrashed. And now the time had come when he could repay the debt. After all, none can be a better friend than a grandfather.
Sitting on the branch, Manik decided that he should allow Grandpa to eat as much sweet as he wanted. He kept munching the chocolate showing as if he could see nothing inside the kitchen. He was enjoying Grandpa's expressions because he loved so much what he was forbidden to eat.
And suddenly, Grandpa happened to look outside the window. He had never expected to see Manik there on the tree, looking at him intently. A long line of terror appeared on his face. He hurriedly kept down the plate, joined both hands and put his finger on the mouth as if requesting to keep mum. Manik slowly nodded his head. Grandpa came near the window and whispered, "Before your mother enters, let me wash the plate and set the house in order. Just wait a little."
Mother called from below, "Manik, could you see Grandpa?"
"No…yes…I can see him coming from the room. I am trying to draw his attention," said Manik as he broke a twig or two to wave. "Yes, Mummy, he has seen me, let me call his attention."
After some time, the door was opened. Manik entered with Mother and said, "I want to have pudding today."
"You don’t like pudding I suppose," Mother looked at him. "Here is good news for you that I have cooked pudding today."
A little later, Mother served Manik a small bowl of pudding, which he pushed towards Grandpa, saying, "You too love pudding greatly."
"No, Manik, I don’t want, you know I have diabetes. The doctor has forbidden me to eat any sweets," said Grandpa meaningfully.
Mother intervened, "No problem, you can take a little. He is offering you the pudding with all the love of the world."
Mother found Grandpa and Manik smiling very softly. She could not understand the cause of it. She too joined them smiling. The secret bond between grandfather and grandson was growing stronger.
                                                                        --based on a story by Neela Subramaniam

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