Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Some Verbs are limited by the Number and Person of the Subject. Read the following sentences :
A bird flies.                                  A bird flew.
A bird has flown.                         Birds fly.
Birds are flying.                           Birds will have flown.

The Verb in the above sentences changes with a change in the Tense and the Number and Person of the Subject. As it is limited by the Number and Person of the Subject, it is called the Finite Verb.
However, there are some situations when the Verb does not change its form; that is, it remains the same even when there is a change in the Tense or in the Number and Person of the Subject; for example :

A pilot goes to fly an aeroplane.                            A pilot went to fly an aeroplane.
A pilot has gone to fly an aeroplane.                      Pilots go to fly aeroplanes.
Pilots are going to fly aeroplanes.                          Pilots will have gone to fly aeroplanes.

In these examples, to fly does not change even when there is a change in the Tense or the Number and Person of the Subject; that is, it is not limited by the Tense or the Number and Person of the Subject; so, it is called the Non-finite Verb.
Types of Non-Finites
Non-Finites are of three types :
(1)   Infinitive,
(2)   Gerund, and

(3)   Participle.
We shall discuss them soon.

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