Saturday, March 15, 2014

SSB - Introduction

Let us start with a word of caution and advice : STICK TO THE TRUTH. The methods of various examinations conducted at an S.S.B are time-tested techniques which have evolved over the years with due research, deliberations, experience and outcome of the results, and are the ongoing process in which these tests are updated with subtle nuances, though these tests were adopted by the Indian Defence Services way back in 194Os. Various departments and individuals have contributed to make the system of these tests flawless, so that only a right candidate is selected. The candidates should, at all stages of the examination, bear in mind that all kinds of tests taken at the S.S.B. are a sort of psychological test, trying their best to compel the candidates to show off all their negative traits and qualities. One test is intricately connected to the other in a way that a lie told in one test cannot withstand the pressure of another test, and the lie and the negative trait would be detected, revealed and made out. All such false statements, concerning any of the traits, would render the candidate unfit and unsuitable for selection. These ‘false statements concern not only the factual evidence, such as one’s name, education and other information, but also it concerns about the qualities or traits which a candidate may choose to attribute to his personality as well, such as honesty, hard work, prudence etc. If a candidate possesses a negative trait, say dishonesty, and he admits it, there are chances that he will be able to overcome such deficiency of character. However, once a candidate chooses to camouflage or hide such a negative trait, or prefers to mention the just opposite trait, which incidentally is a positive trait, such as honesty for dishonesty, the format of the tests is sure to detect such a folly and would certainly result in a candidate being rejected.
The S.S.Bs. have been assigned the job of selecting candidates for the respective arm of the three defence services in the commissioned ranks. The methods adopted by these institutes are based on scientific and psychological research and are best suited to detect a candidate’s negative traits. What an S.S.B. looks for in a candidate is to know that he possesses OLQ (Officers Like Qualities), who would be able to perform the tasks assigned to him in the defence services in the highest traditions of lofty achievements.
As the popular saying goes at S.S.Bs, “Common sense cannot be taught,” inability to jump from a stand overhead, faltering to go through a tyre, failing to run at the desired speed, etc., may not go against a candidate because physical endurance can be taught at the defence training establishments, provided there is present right mental attitude in a candidate, but a candidate showing a negative trait will not be selected because it goes against the very ethics of the exalted traditions of the defence services.
The above didactic sermon has been given so that a candidate knows where he has to work hard to improve upon his personality, to root out all negative traits, which only can assure success at an S.S.B.

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