Friday, June 23, 2023

Article Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with 'a' or 'an' :

1.      The doctor advised him .............X-ray.

2.      Physics is ................interesting subject.

3.      Raman is ...........heir to this estate.

4.      .............metre is ................unit of measurement.

5.      Iron is ...............useful metal.

6.      Gold is .............. precious metal.

7.      ...............egg is full of protein.

8.      My sister is .............B.A. but I am .............M.A.

9.      Isha is ..............humble girl.

10.   Water is ...........necessity for life.

11.   Devang is ............orphan boy.

12.   ..............tiger is ..............wild animal.

13.   Her father is ...............M.L.A.

14.   He has joined the Air Force as ................airman.

15.   You have ..............amount of two thousand rupees so you can buy

16.   Rice is sold at forty rupees ............kilo.

17.   .............great historical event is unfolding here.

18.   We have here at this hotel.

19.   What ................cute child she is!

20.   He can run ten kilometres ............hour.

21.   ..................policeman has to wear ............uniform.

22.   You are ...............Christian but he is ..............Buddhist.

23.   Govind is ...............cheat.

24.   I saw ..............old man in the street.

25.   .................singer and ............dancer are coming in the same car.

26.   He served us .............tasty lunch.

27.   ..................sheep deviated from its path.

28.   Sagar has bought variety of juice.

29.   Are you going to accept the post of .............clerk?

30.   You are ...............Newton of our country.

31.   He plays like ...............Kohli.

32.   I saw fall from ............tree.

33.   There is ..............Mr. Sinha at the door.

34.   Tanu is .................honour to her business.

35.   I live in India, so I am ..............Indian.

36.   Have you seen in the basket?

37.   ...............umbrella is used in rain.

38.   ..............pen is useful.

39.   Can you write with .............brush?

40.   There is ................industrial worker.

41.   New Zealand is ..........island country.

42.   .............American met ............Chinese with ...............Indian.

43.   ..............guava is a fruit.

44.   Will you like to have .................cucumber for salad?

45.   ................empty vessel makes much sound.

46.   There is no water in the tap, so I can't have ...........bath.

47.   Vijay is reading ...............magazine.

48.   Father bought me dress yesterday.

49.   This is on ...........elephant.

50.   I have, it is not, but

51.   We have been waiting here for ..............hour.

52.   Please check .............encyclopaedia for the correct information.

53.   ...............hourglass was used to tell the time.

54.   I will buy, ...........pear and

55.   That's ............. lovely dress.

56.   You can erase this writing with ............eraser.

57.   What.................enormous dog!

58.   This is ............bee, and not ............. bug.

59.   There is ...............bridge on the river.

60.   Here is ...............autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi.


Ans : A. 1. an, 2. an, 3. an, 4. a, a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. an, a, 8. a, an, 9. a, 10. a, 11. an, 12. a, a, 13. an, 14. an, 15. an, a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. an, 21. a, a, 22. a, a, 23. a, 24. a, 25. a, a, 26. a, 27. a, 28. a, 29. a, 30. a, 31. a, 32. an, a, 33. a, 34. an, 35. an, 36. an, 37. an, 38. a, 39. a, 40. an, 41. an, 42. an, a, an, 43. a, 44. a, 45. an, 46. a, 47. a, 48. a, 49. a, an, 50. a, a, a, 51. an, 52. an, 53. an, 54. an, a, an, 55. a, 56. an, 57. an, 58. a, a, 59. a, 60. an.

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